



 デニス・クシニッチ、2006年12月30日 (訳:玄&ゆみ&トシ)

Kuchinich Small JPG













*最初、fastを断食と誤訳しました。ここはhold fastなので、しっかり持つ、固める、という意味でした。教えてくれたのは、新英語教育研究会の池田真澄さん。ありがとうございます:1/8/07訂正)

Creating a Peaceful New Year  
        Dennis Kucinich

A New Year of Peace, Prosperity, Hope: All possibilities exist prospectively as we look forward to 2007.

Each one of us holds transformational capabilities to engage the world constructively through the images of the future we hold in our mind. Our thoughts have power. The power of intent together with action transforms our lives and our world.

We invite you to join with us on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, wherever you gather with family and friends, to hold fast the intention to create structures of peace in our society by inviting everyone with whom you come into contact to join this intentional effort to make a practical reality our dynamic vision of peace.

The Kucinich Campaign is a race for the Presidency, and much more. It is about helping every person reach his or her own highest potential as citizens of America and the world. It is about empowering ourselves and each other in a joyous realization of our highest aspirations.

Of course peace is possible. Peace is already the practical, overriding existent reality of our lives; it describes our loves, our joys, our dreams and we rely on it for our future. Some would have us buy into war as the fundamental, inevitable perpetual condition of the world. This is a lie which we buy into at our greatest peril. We are called upon to respond with courage and with truth from the wellspring of our humanity.

The world is in a situation of urgency on many levels, but we still have a window of opportunity around which we can rally to enable great transformational changes. The situation in Iraq is salvageable with the right leadership and a change in approach. The damage to our global climate can be repaired, if we are willing to pursue new directions, new technologies and a renewed commitment to individual action to protect our air, our water, our land.

Let us, in this annual celebration of our humanity, call forth the buoyant, expectant energies of the New Year and harness them to quicken the impulse toward positive change. The economic stability of our communities and the physical and spiritual health of our nation depend upon our commitment to practical paths toward renewal. That is the power which stands behind all New Year's resolutions.

Let us resolve, then, to join in a collective effort to create a new world. The Presidency becomes the catalyst for powerful, transformative change, a new American evolution, spiraling upward along paths of clarity, strength, vision, determination and action.

Let us collectively have a bright encounter with the energies of the New Year and make 2007 the year of which future generations will say: "That is when the change began. That is when we began to create with courage a new nation and a new world."

We wish you a joyful New Year!

Dennis and Elizabeth

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