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平和省グローバル・アライアンス 第四回サミット
2009年9月17-21日 コスタリカ・サンホセ

40カ国以上から200名以上が参集し、インターネットのストリーミング・ライヴ映像で世界をつないで開催された第4回平和省地球会議は、大成功をおさめました。このサミットがこの時期にコスタリカで開かれたのは時宜にかなったことでした。今月初めに司法省を司法平和省と改組する決定が行われたコスタリカは、平和省をもつ世界で三番目の国となったばかりだからです。サミットの開会式に出席したオスカー・アリアス コスタリカ大統領は、以下のように語りました。


グローバル・アライアンス(GA)の使命・任務は、すべての国々において平和省設置を支援することです。平和のための国家的な基幹組織をつくることに各国政府と共に取り組むために、今回のサミットでは、様々な分野の専門家から意見を伺いました。たとえば、非武装で平和に取り組む民間組織、平和構築に従事する若者たち、平和学研究、公正の修復法(Restorative Justiceの仮訳)の実践、平和的な経済活動、メディアの革新的な利用推進、核軍縮および全面的軍縮、市民社会と政府の間の協力、国連および経済界とのネットワーキング、などの分野です。




問い合わせ(日本):平和省プロジェクトJUMP ihttp://ministryofpeace.jp/
info@ministryofpeace.jp (担当:きくちゆみ 04-7097-1011)
Milena Sanabria, Vice Minister of Justice and Peace (司法平和副大臣ミレナ・サナブリア)
Email: milesanabria@gmail.com

September 21, 2009

4th Global Alliance Summit for Ministries and Departments of Peace
San Jose, Costa Rica, Sept. 17-21, 2009

The 4th Global Alliance (GA) Summit was a resounding success with 200 participants attending from more than 40 countries, enhanced by a live streaming video link to the world. The Summit was inspired by Costa Rica's declaration, earlier this month, of a Minister of Justice and Peace, making it the third country in the world to have such a Ministry. The President of Costa Rica, Dr. Oscar Arias, addressed the opening of the Summit, and told us that:

“The task is only just starting; the creation of a Ministry for Peace…is not the final achievement, merely the making of a road to achieve sustainable order that would allow resolution of human conflicts without violence.”

The mission of the GA is to support the establishment of Ministries and Departments of Peace in all nations. The Summit, in order to prepare itself to work with governments to build national infrastructures for peace, heard from experts in the fields of : Unarmed Civilian Peace Services and Youth Engagement in Peacebuilding; Academies for Peace, Restorative Justice Practices; Peace Economics; Innovation in the Use of Media; Nuclear and General Disarmament; Civil Society and Government Cooperation; and, Networking with the UN and Business.

The GA also established strategic direction and an action plan for its next phase and formed a dynamic Leadership Council, with membership from 6 continents, to carry its mission forward, partner with other international sister organizations and plan its next Summit.

Rita Marie Johnson of the Rasur Foundation in Costa Rica, Summit convener, summed up the achievement of the Summit, stating, “The GA members embodied peace as they took a quantum leap toward national peace infrastructures by presenting a detailed picture of hope for the world. We know what to do and we will do it – together in the name of peace.”

The Summit concluded with a determination to witness the formation of at least 2 more Ministries or Departments of Peace by the time of the next Summit to be held in 2011.

Contact: Milena Sanabria, Vice Minister of Justice and Peace

Email: milesanabria@gmail.com


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